An important moment in the development of digital media has been the transition from the traditional one-to-many communication model, typical of print media, radio and television, to the many-with-many model, which stimulates the collective creation and use of content. Since content exists in digital form, it is made available from a wide variety of devices, including radio, television, PC and - more importantly - from a mobile phone, which is becoming the dominant platform for delivering all kinds of content. The digitization of voice, image, sound and data, known as convergence, opens up new possibilities for interaction. In the article " How user-generated content can improve your social media marketing strategy" by Lisa Mulcahy, when she say, e ngage in direct conversation with your consumers as to what kind of content you'd love to see them produce. Which is why wh ile one group receives one type of information and another group another based on the content they su...